
The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) addresses the nutritional needs of low-income families and is one of the nation's most important defenses against hunger. NTFB helps to increase enrollment through application assistance and providing SNAP information in our 12-county service area to overcome barriers to participation.


NTFB Social Services Case Assistance Navigators answer questions about the application process and help clients complete and submit applications in Collin, Dallas, Delta, Ellis, Fannin, Grayson, Hopkins, Hunt, Kaufman, Lamar, Navarro, and Rockwall counties. Our assistance is free to the applicants. In FY24, NTFB provided access to 19 million meals through the SNAP program,

SNAP Cropped

如果您或您认识的人可能符合补充营养援助计划 (SNAP)(以前称为“食品券”)的资格,案例援助导航员可以帮助客户:

  • 在 yourtexasbenefits.com 中设置用户帐户,以便轻松访问案例状态和信息更改
  • 向区域办事处索取有关案件进展的信息
  • 协助申请人申请 SNAP、医疗补助、CHIP(儿童健康保险计划)、TANF(贫困家庭临时援助)和德克萨斯州健康妇女计划以及医疗保险储蓄计划
  • 回答有关申请流程、程序和规则的问题
  • 提供适当的申请表格
  • 帮助申请人填写和提交申请
  • 就所需的验证表格向申请人提供建议
  • 提交福利申请后,提供有关后续步骤的信息

通过电子邮件直接联系 snap@ntfb.org