Your Agency will receive online ordering access information before or immediately after your orientation. If you would like to add users, please email cprteam@ntfb.org 用户姓名,包括电子邮件地址、机构名称和编号。
You may edit any previous order as long as it is at least 3 business days prior to the pickup or delivery time of your previously submitted order and the pencil icon is present.
After ordering through the online shopping system, you will be emailed an acknowledgement letting you know that your order request has been received by the Food Bank. At that time, you may check the order management component of the shopping system for your order status that will say “Acknowledged.” If you have any questions, you may submit a ticket through the online portal.
Currently NTFB does not charge handling fees for most of our product with the exception for kitted boxed or bagged items. Ex: Family Relief boxes and Kitted produce bags are $2 per kit and may be revised at the discretion of the NTFB Board of Directors.
Your order is due by close of business three business days before your scheduled delivery time or your chosen pick-up date. Example: I normally receive/ pick up my order on Monday, so my order must be submitted by close of business on the prior Wednesday, allowing Thursday and Friday for my order to be fulfilled.
If your order was not placed on time, you can submit an Agency service desk ticket with a request to expedite; upon approval from NTFB staff there will be a service fee of $250 to process that request. If your Agency does not want to incur a service fee, then unfortunately, you will not receive an order due to the policy in place to ensure prompt and accurate orders for every Agency. No exceptions can be made to this policy.
The shopping list is represented in real-time, so items and quantities can change as often as every three minutes. You must refresh the online page in order to see the real-time status of a product. Remember, items are on a first-come, first-served basis. Depending on the number of orders, some items may be out of stock by the time an Agency’s order is processed.
All orders are processed according to the appointment schedule set in the online shopping system from 6:30am – 3:30pm, Monday through Friday and is selected by the Agency at the time of placing their order.
Yes, you may edit an order as long as it is before close of business three business days before the delivery or pickup date.
Example: If an order was placed on Thursday to be picked up on Tuesday and there are items that you would like to add, then you may edit your order up to close of business three business days prior to your shipment date which would be Thursday close of business in this example. Saturday and Sunday are not considered business days.
向 NTFB 工作人员提供帮助或支持我们机构的小费是否合适?
尽管我们非常感谢您的感受,但向个别工作人员提供帮助和支持的小费是不恰当的。事实上,个人接受礼物是违反公司政策的,我们要求员工不要被迫选择是否接受个人礼物。向 NTFB 工作人员小费可能会危及收款人的工作,并成为失去 NTFB 机构会员资格的理由。如果您想向食品银行捐款或以某种一般方式捐款,请联系慈善部门,他们会告知您任何需要和捐款方式。
向 NTFB 员工赠送礼品卡以表示感谢是否合适?
NTFB 员工不得接受合作机构或其员工的个人礼物或礼品卡。如果机构希望赠送个人礼物或礼品卡,捐款将立即提供给人力资源总监,以便通过抽奖将礼物提供给所有员工。
我可以带食物和零食与 NTFB 工作人员分享吗?
如果这些物品不是为某一特定工作人员准备的,而是提供给所有 NTFB 工作人员的,那么这样做是可以接受的。
Yes, it is a requirement to keep all NTFB invoices with one signature for three years.
What if my invoice is incorrect?
You will need to submit a credit memo request or a service ticket via the Agency service desk at Agency service desk. You will be issued a credit for those items not received if we receive a credit request within three business days of invoice.
We ask that you give the truck 30 minutes past the set time, in case driving conditions or cargo loading causes late arrival. If the truck is over 30 minutes late, submit an urgent Agency service desk ticket and we will provide you with an estimated time of arrival.
In general, any produce sent in bulk should be dispersed EVENLY between the partners. If a partner needs more or less of the produce, that should be discussed and agreed upon by the partners and not solely decided upon by the Site Coordinator. If you receive produce in bulk to share, NTFB invoices on an Agency rotation to evenly distribute weight for the agencies so no one Agency gets credit for all produce pounds. If any questions of fairness arise, contact your Community Partner Relations representative at cprteam@ntfb.org
所有从 NTFB 或团体交付地点接收冷藏产品的合作伙伴代理代表都必须使用托盘毯来运输货物。每个合作伙伴都将免费获得一条毯子,任何需要的额外毯子都需要支付相关费用。如果您的机构需要更换或额外的毯子,请发送电子邮件 cprteam@ntfb.org 对于那些。
Yes, you must have any staff and volunteers who regularly interact with neighbors, trained on civil rights standards, per USDA guidelines. This training must be conducted yearly, and the time of training is the discretion of the Agency. A training log must be signed for all that attended training and that log must be kept for two years. The training video is available on the Agency Zone Webpage.
Food Handler Certification is good for two years and Food Safety Manager Certification is good for five years. The Food Handler Certification is a requirement for all pantries and Supplemental Programs and the Food Safety Manager Certification is required for all on-site feeding programs (meaning they prepare and serve food at the Agency). All agencies should have one of these certifications.
Whenever you are cooking food for others, your kitchen must be inspected by the city or state and must meet their local health regulations if applicable for your city or county. These inspections times may vary; check with your county or city to get their inspection policy. This includes daycares, senior centers, soup kitchens, shelters, and any other program that prepares and serves hot meals.
Inform a member of the Community Partner Relations Team immediately for a site evaluation and approval and request an address change from the IRS so they can update your 501(c)3. We will need a copy of their confirmation for our records. Agency must notify NTFB of any changes to their tax status within 30 days.
Food provided by the Food Bank can only be given to neighbors that meet financial eligibility; those levels are provided by the state to us and our member network. In case of one-time emergencies, you may provide food to anyone who states they have a need. Upon a return visit by this person, you will need to gather their household income and compare with the state’s TEFAP income guidelines.
食物银行提供的食物绝不能作为货币、商品、志愿者工作或任何其他实物支付系统的回报。上述任何活动都可能成为失去 NTFB 会员资格的理由。
Religious programming cannot be required for receiving food assistance. Signs and literature can be present and made available at the site as well as invitations to participate in activities after food is provided to neighbors, provided it is made absolutely clear that participation is not mandatory.
What if we want to change our distribution times for neighbors?
Inform the Food Bank immediately if you change distribution times and update your records via “update my account” Bullseye. Remember, NTFB Partner Agency pantries must be open to the public a minimum of once per week for at least three hours in urban areas and minimum of once per month in rural areas for a total of at least three hours per month as stated in your Partner Agency Agreement.
Reports are due by the 5th of each month, for the previous month. If you fail to submit your reports, your account will be placed on hold and you will not be able to place any new orders or receive produce.
What is the purpose of monthly reports?
NTFB uses these numbers to report to Texas Department of Human Services to determine future allocations of USDA commodities. These numbers are also provided to Feeding America to use as hunger facts when procuring food products and lobbying for more funds allocated through Congress.
Once you have submitted the report, you will see completed report in my responses section. If your Agency has any edits to make on a submitted report, then you may do so for those reports in the “my reports” section.
What should I do if I am having technical issues with my computer, and cannot transmit my monthly report?
Submit an Agency service desk ticket with all the details to help us better serve you. Since the monthly reports are submitted via Agency Express, you can enter your reports from any computer or mobile device. (Ex: Library, home, or someone else’s computer.)
What questions should I put on my neighbor intake forms to make the monthly reporting process easier
Pantry program intake forms can include names and age breakdown of each household member receiving assistance; on-site feeding programs can gather their numbers based on a sign-in sheet or an intake form.
What do I do if I forget my Agency Express password?
Simply click forgot my password feature on the login page. Submit an Agency service desk ticket if you need assistance finding your username (generally usernames are first initial and last name, ex: dlawson)
What if I do not get my monthly report submitted by the 5th of the month?
Your Agency could get placed on hold until that report is received and entered. If your Agency is placed on hold, please allow up to 24 hours after you have submitted your report for the hold to be removed. That means you will not be able to receive an order or pick up any produce.
Does my login work to access my monthly reports on Agency Express?
Yes, if you have a login to submit orders than you have access to submit monthly reports via Agency Express. However, if you do not have access to submit orders but you need access to submit reports, please send an Agency service desk ticketing requesting access to submit monthly reports only and your login info will be emailed to you once set up.
How much will my Agency be charged to expedite an order?
The following situations will incur a $250 expedite fee:
- Adding or removing item(s) to an existing order past the editing window (order in released status) for Agencies
- Moving an order up to a date less than three business days from the revised delivery/pick-up date
- Requesting a new order be placed for delivery or pick up past the ordering deadline
How much will I be charged for canceling an order after in processing stage?
You will be charged $250 or a restock fee for any orders canceled past the editing window (released status). Any orders canceled after being invoiced will be considered a restock.
请小心提交发票,以免发生重复性事件。如果您碰巧放错了发票,您可以通过电子邮件将您的请求发送至 NTFB 会计部门: acctrec@ntfb.org. Please include your Agency name, phone number and the invoice number that you are requesting copies of.
Currently, we do not have a feature that will allow you to see your payment that is received. Look at the following month’s statement to see if the invoices you paid previously are listed as outstanding. For further information on those invoices, please email acctrec@ntfb.org.
Usually, they are mailed by the 5th of each month. If you do not receive your statement by the 18th, please contact the Accounting Team at acctrec@ntfb.org.
If your Agency account has invoices 61-90 days past due, the Agency will be contacted by email. If your Agency account has invoices over 90 days past due, the Agency will be placed on accounting hold and will not be unable to order or receive food until the account is brought current.
We do not accept cash or personal checks. You must pay using a company check, cashier’s check, or money order.
代理大学 (AU) 是北德克萨斯食品银行 (NTFB) 的一项教育计划。通过在食品银行和在线提供的课程,各机构在非营利发展的各个领域学习宝贵的能力建设技能,赋予机构权力并激励组织成长。
加入 AU 对我的代理机构有何影响?
每个 AU 课程都旨在以现实且易于访问的方式呈现有价值的信息。您可以培养的技能包括从健康和营养最佳实践到筹款策略和会计基础的任何内容。您所要做的就是在上课后在您的组织中实施您的新技能!
NTFB 强烈鼓励但不要求完成任何 AU 课程。
在 AU 上课需要多少钱?
AU 对所有 NTFB 合作机构完全免费!
AU 课程可在线获取。参考 我们合作伙伴机构资源页面的机构大学部分 具体课程信息。
通过电子邮件发送 cprteam@ntfb.org 并请求登录。我们收到请求后,会向您发送一封电子邮件邀请。此链接对您的电子邮件地址是唯一的,您必须在访问所提供的任何课程之前设置个人资料。如果您没有收到邀请,请检查垃圾文件夹中是否有来自 Learn Within 的电子邮件。
• 被美国国税局认可为 501(c) 3 非营利慈善组织。
• 直接向病人、有需要的人或儿童(18 岁以下)免费提供服务,无需参加任何类型的服务。
• 将食物作为应急食品盒分发,或者作为现场准备的膳食或零食分发,以便在场所内食用。
• 作为食品程序连续运行至少 1 个月。
• 计划地点每年至少接受两次获得许可的害虫防治措施。
Many of your neighbors may be facing health problems such as diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, and obesity. Others may have food allergies, cultural preferences, and cooking limitations. All these factors may affect the appropriateness of the foods your pantry or feeding program provides.
The first step is to know your population. Do your best to know what issues your neighbors are facing and concerned with. While you do not need to cater to everyone individually, simply getting a collective idea of what your neighbors’ needs are will be extremely helpful.
Overall, as a NTFB Partner Agency, you should try to offer the best variety of nutritious foods available, regardless of health needs. If you are doing your best to provide items that are low in fat, sodium, and sugar and those that are high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals, then you are likely meeting the needs of the majority of your neighbors and contributing to better health.
Unhealthy foods are inevitably available but try to limit the frequency and amount offered to neighbors. All foods can be part of a healthy diet in moderation. It is important to balance out your grocery and menu items with more nutritious options whenever possible.
A nutritious grocery package should include components from different food groups, including grains, fruits, vegetables, protein, and dairy. Refer to the samples of food pantry guidelines in the appendix of this guidebook. These guidelines are personalized based on the MyPlate recommendations on gender, age, and activity level. Calorie levels are listed for each individual and converted to family packages. This takes the guesswork out of knowing whether you are giving too little or too much food and ensures that your neighbors are getting the nutritious food they need to nourish their families. Once you know what items to stock your pantry with, it’s easier to make the appropriate decisions when ordering online from NTFB or purchasing groceries from another source.
If you are an on-site feeding program, what components should be included to create a well-balanced meal?
Use Choose MyPlate (choosemyplate.gov/) to plan your on-site meals. Ideally, half your plate should be fruits and vegetables. Focus on whole fruits and vary your vegetables. The more colorful the better! Be sure to make half your grains whole grains as they are higher in fiber and keep you full longer. Mix up your up your proteins to include beans and peas, unsalted nuts and seeds, eggs, lean meats, and poultry. Don’t forget your dairy. Try to focus on low-fat or fat-free milk/yogurt. You might decide to serve all the items separately or to combine some of them in a casserole. For example, you could serve a chicken drumstick with some rice, broccoli, carrots, and a glass of milk, or you could serve spaghetti with meat sauce along with salad and a glass of milk. In the first meal, all the components are served separately. In the second meal, there are three components in the spaghetti (pasta, tomato sauce, and ground meat) and the other components are served on the side.
膳食计划可以是一项有趣且富有创意的活动。如果您没有想法,请尝试搜索食谱网站,例如 hungerandhealth.feedingamerica.org/healthy-recipes/ or visit the Nutrition Services page on NTFB’s website for recipes (ntfb.org/recipes/) and cooking demonstrations (ntfb.org/cookingdemos/).
Why is it important to partner with NTFB to provide nutrition education for your neighbors?
Eliminating hunger takes more than just providing a quick-fix meal. Eliminating hunger requires both short- and long-term solutions including food AND education. Providing nutrition education to low-income neighbors makes a tremendous difference in the quality of their lives.
They learn the life skills needed to cook, shop, and make better food choices, allowing them to feed their families nutritious meals on a budget. NTFB is making an effort to provide quality, nutritious food to those you serve. We also provide ongoing nutrition education classes, workshops, and materials upon request. For our Food Resources Management Courses (Cooking Matters) and for additional workshops or materials, contact the Nutrition Services Team (营养@ntfb.org).
Become a Nudge Pantry.
A Nudge Pantry implements nudge strategies (shelf tags, nutrition education signage, recipe cards, food demonstrations, etc.) at their pantry. For more information on becoming a Nudge Pantry, contact the Nutrition Services Team (营养@ntfb.org).
哪些类型的网站有资格参与 F4K 计划?
Food 4 Kids 计划适用于作为 6 年级以下儿童主要日常护理的小学或学前班中心。虽然我们的大多数站点都是公立小学,但其他类型的站点也可能符合条件。请联系 Food4Kids@ntfb.org 以确定您的资格。
请联系 Food4Kids@ntfb.org 请求有关 F4K 注册过程的信息。最初,您的学校将被列入“待定”名单。当我们有空缺时,儿童计划团队的成员将与您联系。注册您的站点后,我们将联系您参加强制性培训课程。
F4K 计划旨在仅为可能在周末无法用餐的长期饥饿儿童提供服务。参加学校免费和减价计划的孩子不一定会长期处于饥饿状态。如果他们不确定孩子是否长期处于饥饿状态,站点协调员负责询问他们工具包中建议的孩子问题。必须为每个孩子填写推荐表,以便他们能够参与该计划。
站点协调员在特定站点促进 F4K 计划,并充当 NTFB 和儿童计划部门的主要联系人。
什么是 F4K 工具包?
F4K 工具包是每位现场协调员在参加培训时收到的培训资料。工具包包含所有必要的资源和说明,以促进程序的进行。
抵达 NTFB 校园后,您的订单将在取货时开具发票并进行处理。收到您的食物所需的只是您的绿色机构卡,其中包含以下信息:
- 机构名称
- 代理编号
- 案件数
取货地点位于 PFC 仓库,地址为 3677 Mapleshade Lane Plano, TX 75075。
- 周一至周五:上午 7:00 至下午 12:00 和下午 1:00 至下午 3:00
- 所有接送地点将在建筑物的西北侧(建筑物背面)进行
- 从建筑物西南侧 Maplshade Lane 的第二个入口进入
- 从建筑物的左侧走到后面(机构入口)
- 请注意行人
- 机构停车场位于建筑物后面,位于码头门 #22-25 前的停车位
- 回到这些地方中的任何一个;在您的车辆和建筑物之间留出空间,以便将产品带给您
- 通过机构入口与 NTFB 工作人员登记
NTFB 会有人帮我把订单装进车里吗?
所有食物必须存放在离地面至少 6 英寸的地方,并存放在其他人无法进入的区域。这可以是壁橱、房间或橱柜。
如果您发现过期或损坏的食物,请将其丢弃。另外,请在您的月度报告中记下此损失。如果您收到大量过期或损坏的食品,或一直遇到此问题,请联系 Food4Kids@ntfb.org.确保遵循 FEFO(先过期先出)规则,以确保正确分配库存以避免物品过期。
我是否需要使用 NTFB 提供的背包?
您不需要使用 NTFB 提供的背包,但您必须将一袋食物放在某种类型的袋子中,以便其他人看不到它。如果您愿意,您可以使用孩子自己的背包,或其他类型的包或手提包。
NTFB 不要求您获得家长许可。但是,如果您确实选择要求父母许可,请在开始分发之前或在分发的第一周内将许可单寄回家。
我必须向 NTFB 提交哪些报告?
您的站点需要提交给 NTFB 的唯一报告是您的 F4K 月度报告。这份报告是在线提交的,上个月的每个月的 5 号截止。
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Click the button below to receieve support from our Agency Service Desk!