

Founded in 1982, the North Texas Food Bank (NTFB) is a nonprofit hunger relief organization that distributes donated and purchased foods through a network of nearly 500 Partner Agencies and Organizations in 13 counties.


1982 年,四名达拉斯妇女承诺在德克萨斯州北部与饥饿作斗争。这些富有远见的领导人——乔柯蒂斯、凯瑟琳霍尔、洛林格里芬基尔彻和丽兹米亚德——开始通过北德克萨斯州的慈善组织网络收集和分发剩余食品和杂货产品,建立了北德克萨斯食品银行 (NTFB)。 

该网络覆盖了构成当前 NTFB 服务区的 13 个县:达拉斯、丹顿、科林、范宁、罗克沃尔、亨特、格雷森、考夫曼、埃利斯、纳瓦罗、拉马尔、三角洲和霍普金斯

通过坚持不懈和慷慨的社区支持,NTFB 在第一年就向饥饿的邻居分发了超过 400,000 磅的食物。 1983 年,NTFB 组织委员会的成员与德克萨斯州立法机构的成员一起帮助通过了“善意捐赠者法案”,该法案保护捐赠者免于承担捐赠或捐赠产品的责任。在此之后,更多的北德克萨斯人受到鼓舞而捐款。

Today, nearly 40 years later, the NTFB is still supported by a generous and compassionate community that cares deeply about helping North Texans achieve food security. As the hunger crisis has grown over the years, NTFB has expanded from distributing 400,000 pounds of food a year to distributing 144 million meals in its last fiscal year – more annual meals than ever in our history – through its Feeding Network of nearly 500 Partner Agencies. 

As we commemorate our 40th anniversary of serving our neighbors facing hunger, we know the need is greater than it has ever been. The COVID-19 pandemic has both caused and exposed an unprecedented level of food insecurity in our community. According to Feeding America, approximately 640,000 North Texans do not know where their next healthy meal will come from – including 1 in 6 children. North Texas the 4th most food insecure region in the nation.

NTFB 致力于提供 今天的食物和明天的希望 随着我们继续朝着创建无饥饿和健康的北德克萨斯的愿景而努力。

北德克萨斯食品银行是美国养活组织的认证成员和最大的八家组织 食品银行网络。 Feeding America 是美国最大的国内饥饿救济组织,它从国家供应商那里征集食品和杂货产品,通过 200 多家食品银行进行分发,并为食品银行提供运营支持。它还就持续存在的饥饿问题对公众和政府官员进行教育。