

This year will certainly be remembered for its challenges. But it will also be known for those who eased the burden for others and for the resiliency of our communities. As…

阅读更多 about 感恩系列:义工



阅读更多 about 记住一个真正的饥饿斗士——女士。玛丽


The North Texas Food Bank’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic has enabled my husband and I the opportunity to increase our volunteer efforts to battle the critical food shortages resulting…

阅读更多 about 服务的呼召


The month of April is always joyous for me. That’s because April is National Volunteer Month, a time where we can celebrate the countless volunteers who help the Food Bank…

阅读更多 about 庆祝我们的饥饿英雄


我们感谢德克萨斯国民警卫队的支持,他们昨天在 NTFB 正式“脚踏实地”。这项人道主义使命对于向我们的团队提供帮助至关重要,因为我们致力于 1) 提高我们的食品分发能力以满足不断增长的需求 2) 确保食品银行的运作能够持续,即使/当食品银行家生病时.

阅读更多 about 呼唤援军

如何在 NTFB 虚拟志愿者

I don’t need to tell you how difficult a time our community is having right now – most of you see it every day, one way or another. With the…

阅读更多 about 如何在 NTFB 虚拟志愿者


非常适合喜欢管理任务的多才多艺的人 与整个 NTFB 的员工一起工作 协助文书工作和特殊活动 利用技术并按时完成

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For outgoing individuals who enjoy coaching a team in a fast-paced environment. Assist with management of food distribution Provide a great experience to the volunteers you lead Event set up…

阅读更多 about 移动餐具室内核