Summer Recipe: Two Salsa Dishes for Summer Celebrations

Well, North Texas, it’s hot!

There is not much else you can say about our current summer situation. But despite the weather, summer is still a time to gather with friends, family and community for fun and relaxation. Hotter temps call for food that is light, refreshing and nourishing.

NTFB营养服务 team has two ideas for nutritious and delicious salsa dishes. The 甜夏桃莎莎豆豉和玉米辣酱 recipes bring together flavorful ingredients and are perfect for a side dish at home or to bring to a gathering.

Don’t forget to pair your meals with plenty of water to keep you hydrated and healthy during these hot summer months! Enjoy!





Peach salsa in wooden bowl with one chip sticking out of it
  • 1 1/2 磅西红柿,切碎
  • 2个甜椒,去籽并切碎
  • 2个墨西哥胡椒,去籽并切碎
  • 1个中等大小的洋葱,切碎
  • 1 磅桃子,去核切碎
  • 1/2 束新鲜香菜,切碎
  • 1个酸橙,榨汁
  • 1/4 茶匙胡椒粉


  1. 将西红柿、甜椒、墨西哥胡椒和洋葱放入一个大碗中,搅拌均匀。
  1. 将切碎的桃子加入碗中。
  2. 加入香菜、酸橙汁和胡椒粉,搅拌均匀。
  3. 与全麦玉米片一起食用。

Tip:For a more intense flavor, refrigerate salad 1-2 hours before serving.

Full nutritional information about this recipe can be found here:


Black bean and corn salsa in white bowl with tortilla chips around it.



  • 2罐黑豆,沥干并冲洗干净
  • 3罐白玉米,沥干并冲洗干净
  • 1个红甜椒(或番茄),切丁
  • 1个小红洋葱,切丁
  • 1/2 杯新鲜香菜,切碎
  • 1 个墨西哥胡椒,去籽切块
  • 2茶匙辣椒粉
  • 2茶匙孜然粉
  • 4汤匙酸橙汁
  • 可选:1/4 杯蒙特雷杰克奶酪,切碎


  1. 根据包装说明准备米饭,用叉子弄松,放在一边。
  1. 与此同时,用不粘烹饪喷雾轻轻涂抹一个大煎锅,然后用中高火加热。
  2. 在煎锅中加入鸡肉和红辣椒片。煮 5-7 分钟或直到鸡肉煮熟。
  3. 在一个小碗里,把酸橙汁、醋、酱油、蜂蜜搅拌在一起,放在一边。
  4. 在煎锅中加入菠萝、甜椒和酱油混合物。煮 3-5 分钟或直到脆嫩。
  5. 将鸡肉放在米饭上,再撒上洋葱。

Additional Tips:

  1. 与芹菜、全麦薯条、皮塔饼一起食用,或用作炸玉米饼和沙拉的配料。
  2. 用黑豆代替黑眼豆。

 Full nutritional information about this recipe can be found here:

营养服务是粮食银行战略计划的重要组成部分,旨在提供 今天的食物和明天的希望,自 1996 年以来,我们一直为低收入人群提供免费的烹饪和营养教育。请访问我们的网站以了解有关我们的更多信息 教育服务.

也一定要订阅花园和营养通讯, 铲子和勺子,了解我们营养服务团队的所有最新消息。 在此订阅.

As summer continues, don’t forget to check out ways you can engage the children in your lives in gardening and how you can get involved in the fight against hunger.

Have a great rest of the summer!

Ashton Hinckley is a Nutrition Education Specialist for the North Texas Food Bank.
