Kid-Friendly Summer Recipe: Orange Oatmeal Pancakes

School is out for summer, and you might be looking for some new healthy, no-frills meals that kids will love.

For its summer recipe, the 营养服务 team at the North Texas Food Bank recommends these 橙色燕麦煎饼. The combined prep and cook time is only 20 minutes, and with this simple recipe, you can get the kids involved in whipping up a batch as a summer activity!

We hope everyone has a great summer!

Orange Oatmeal Pancakes*



  • 1/2杯通用面粉
  • 1/2杯全麦面粉
  • 1/2 杯速食燕麦
  • 1汤匙发酵粉
  • 1/4 茶匙盐
  • 1个大鸡蛋
  • 3/4 杯橙汁
  • 1/2 杯脱脂牛奶
  • 2汤匙菜籽油
  • 不粘烹饪喷雾


  1. In a large bowl, combine flours, oats, baking powder and salt. Mix well.
  2. 在另一个大碗里,打碎鸡蛋。用叉子轻轻敲打。
  3. Add orange juice, milk and canola oil to egg. Mix well.
  4. 用不粘锅烹饪喷雾涂抹大煎锅。用中高温加热。
  5. 将湿成分添加到干成分中。搅拌直到干燥的成分被弄湿。不要过度混合。
  6. 每个煎饼都将 1/4 杯面糊倒入热锅中。根据需要调整热量以避免燃烧。
  7. 当面糊顶部出现气泡且边缘略呈褐色时,翻转煎饼,大约需要 3-4 分钟。煮至第二面略呈褐色,再煮约 2-3 分钟。


*Recipe adapted from You can also find more ways to get kids involved in the kitchen 这里.

While summer is a fun break for many kids and families, we know that for many of our neighbors, it is one of the hungriest times of the year without access to the free and reduced-price meals they typically receive at school. Learn how you can help families this summer.

营养服务是粮食银行战略计划的重要组成部分,旨在提供 今天的食物和明天的希望,自 1996 年以来,我们一直为低收入人群提供免费的烹饪和营养教育。请访问我们的网站以了解有关我们的更多信息 教育服务.

也一定要订阅花园和营养通讯, 铲子和勺子,了解我们营养服务团队的所有最新消息。 在此订阅.
