It’s Election Season!

Keep hunger in mind as you head to the ballot box.

Image courtesy Adobe Stock/Joaquin Corbalan

It’s a big election year!

Americans will go to the polls to elect the next president, members of congress, and state and local officials this year.

In Texas, Sen. Ted Cruz is seeking his third term. Nine others — including North Texas representatives Congressman Colin Allred and State Rep. Carl O. Sherman — are running against him, which means those districts will be open and electing someone new. Denton Congressman Michael Burgess will not seek reelection and there are also several candidates running for that seat. Hunger is a nonpartisan issue and the North Texas Food Bank, as well as Feeding America, does not support one candidate or another. However, we believe in the power of voting and the importance of keeping hunger in mind as you head to the polls. Here’s how you can make an impact:

Remember these Important Dates for the 2024 Texas Primary

February 20 – March 1: Early Voting

February 23: Last day to send a mail-in ballot.

March 5: Election Day

If you need more information about voting in Texas and your area, you can find it 这里.

Research Your Candidates’ Views on Hunger

Consider your candidates’ views on federal programs like school meals and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). For every meal the North Texas Food bank can provide, SNAP provides nine, and strong policies are needed for this and other programs to be most effective. The 2018 Farm Bill expired in September of 2023, but Congress agreed to continue funding at the same level until September 2024. Support of a strong Farm Bill is needed for funding of SNAP, the Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) that supports seniors and The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP).

Make a Plan to Vote

Every vote counts! If you are voting early, many counties have “Vote Centers” where any registered voter in the county can cast a ballot, regardless of their address. Find out where to vote early 这里.

If you are voting on Primary Election Day, find out where your polling place is 这里. Polls are open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on March 5.

Clarissa Clarke is Government Relations Officer for the North Texas Food Bank.
