Plant the seeds for healthy futures.

When your gift TRIPLES IN IMPACT, you can provide fresh food for full futures! Please give now while the Lesley Family Foundation will match your gift - every $1 will provide access to 9 nourishing meals!

Closing the hunger gap in North Texas by providing access to nutritious food


1 in 7

664,000 North Texans are food insecure

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106 million

Nutritious physical meals provided in 2024

Small Map


square miles covered in our 12-county service area


NTFB 的营养服务团队提供健康食品,同时教育我们社区的人们在预算内吃得营养。

Child Hunger Programs

在北德克萨斯州,每 5 个孩子中就有 1 个粮食不安全。这就是 NTFB 寻求创新和有效的解决方案来喂养我们社区中饥饿儿童的原因。




We offer tours, workshops, volunteer opportunities and more at Jan's Garden and our Partner Gardens.

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We Need Your Help

The need for food assistance continues to grow and we need your help to feed more people. 

News & Events

Empty Bowls 25th Anniversary

2 月 27 @ 6:00 下午 - 9:00 下午

Now in its 25th year, Empty Bowls brings together the community with a unique, food tasting experience, featuring dishes crafted by some of the area’s most talented chefs and beloved restaurants.

阅读更多 about Empty Bowls 25th Anniversary

Mahj and Mingle

4 月 28

This event requires groups of 4 so gather your table and join us for a fun-filled day of mahjong. Your participation helps ensure the food bank can provide access to nutritious food for the 1 in 7 North Texans facing hunger.

阅读更多 about Mahj and Mingle

North Texas Food Bank Remembers Lonnie Pollock

The former Pollock President and CEO was a committed NTFB supporter. Lawrence “Lonnie” S. Pollock III will be remembered as a dedicated hunger fighter who supported the North Texas Food...
阅读更多 about North Texas Food Bank Remembers Lonnie Pollock

North Texas Food Bank Founding Supporters Share of Their Passion to Serve

Liz Minyard, Cory Turner and John Votava spoke about their drive to fight hunger during NTFB’s Full Plate Society Legacy Luncheon. NTFB Founder Liz Minyard speaks during the Full Plate...
阅读更多 about North Texas Food Bank Founding Supporters Share of Their Passion to Serve