What is SinHambre?

SinHambre is an official NTFB cultural Affinity Group led by the North Texas based Hispanic and Latino community.

As an Affinity Group, SinHambre members come together to raise awareness - within the Hispanic and Latino community - of food insecurity and the role NTFB plays in fighting hunger in North Texas.

“Sharing food is an integral part of Hispanic and Latino cultures, and SinHambre is dedicated to combating hunger and building healthy communities.”

SinHambre Goals:

  • Increase awareness of food insecurity in the Hispanic and Latino communities with the aim of inspiring action.
  • Encourage healthy, nutritious food choices
  • Organize volunteer events and food drives
  • Engage community leaders, corporate partners, and churches in the effort.
  • Raise critical funds and collect food donations

How You Can Help

SinHambre members volunteer at NTFB quarterly and are currently developing a calendar of events as well as various methods to get involved.

Please feel free to visit SinHambre’s inaugural post ở đây, and if you have any questions, please email us at sinhambre@ntfb.org.

SinHambre Pic