Đang tải Sự kiện

Tháp Midpark

Tháng tư 17, 2023 @ 9:30 sáng - 10:30 sáng

  • ày đã vượt qua.

Midpark Towers is hosting a CSFP PAN box distribution Monday, April 17, 2023 from 9:30 am – 10:30 am. This distribution is open to CSFP participants ONLY.

Participants must bring their personal ID with their CSFP (PAN) ID card to receive their boxes. If a participant is unable to locate their CSFP (PAN) ID card, a new one can issued at a distribution. CSFP Participants can visit any distribution location, however, are only allowed to pick up one PAN box and one box of cheese per month. If a CSFP participant is unable to attend a distribution, they can send a proxy to pick up on their behalf using the CSFP (PAN) ID and the proxy’s personal ID.

Chi tiết

Ngày tháng:
Tháng tư 17, 2023
Thời gian:
9:30 sáng - 10:30 sáng
Danh mục Biến cố:

Địa điểm

Tháp Midpark
8550 Midpark Rd.
Dallas, TX 75240 Hoa Kỳ
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