Tin tức
The Power of Unity
In our last fiscal year ending June 30 (FY22), the North Texas Food Bank, like the greater world around us, chartered a path in a “new normal” as we emerged…
Mang lại hy vọng thông qua các chiến dịch và quảng cáo cho kỳ nghỉ lễ
We are grateful for the many community partners who give to the North Texas Food Bank throughout the year. And the holiday season always brings a variety of opportunities for…
NTFB công nhận Nhà vô địch về Tăng trưởng của Cơ quan Đối tác
The North Texas Food Bank is honored to work alongside more than 200 Partner Agencies in its Feeding Network in the fight against hunger in North Texas. Across 13 counties,…
Tăng SNAP vĩnh viễn có hiệu lực
In August, the Federal Government announced a permanent 25% increase in Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits, the largest-ever increase in benefit levels for people participating in the program. The increase takes…
Thành công Ngày tặng quà ở Bắc Texas
It has been one week since North Texas Giving Day 2021– and we are still wrapping our heads around your generosity! Because of you, our amazing and compassionate supporters, we…
NTFB ra mắt chiến dịch lịch sử và chiến dịch chuyển đổi
If we want to make a lasting impact in the fight against hunger, we must do more than provide food. We must think boldly and act with a renewed sense…
Kết quả CANstruction!
CANstruction, an annual design and build event of giant canned food structures – “cansculptures” – benefiting the North Texas Food Bank is back on display this year after going virtual…
HungerMitao Tháng 2021
August, the month of India’s Independence, is now well known as HungerMitao (independence from hunger) Month Food Drive! This year, due to the alarming increase of COVID-19 Delta variant, the…
Bốn lý do để ủng hộ LSNG với Tuần lễ nhà hàng DFW
One of the most delicious times of the year is here! The 24th annual DFW Restaurant Week presented by Your Metroplex Cadillac Dealers officially kicks off today, and you will…
Kỷ niệm Tháng Lịch sử Đen Vinh danh các nhà lãnh đạo cộng đồng, gây quỹ và thực phẩm
To mark the culmination of Black History Month while raising critical resources for hunger-relief after the recent devastating winter storms, POWERHANDZ and the Power to Give Foundation hosted a special…