As a proud partner of the Feeding America network, NTFB has the privilege of using the Partner Food Bank of Feeding America signature on our marketing and advertising materials. Feeding America updated their logo in March 2023.
미국 로고 색상 먹이기
여유 공간 요구 사항
To make sure the FA logo is always clear and legible, a minimum
reproduction size was established. The logo should never be smaller
than the recommended size shown on this page.
커뮤니케이션의 다른 요소가 브랜드와 경쟁하지 않도록 하려면 여백이 중요합니다. 이러한 단위는 모든 잠금 및 사용 사례에서 일관되므로 밀접하게 따르십시오.
컬러 인쇄에 대한 특별 참고 사항: NTFB and FA orange and green shades are now different so you will be unable to print using 2 spot colors. Either print in full color (CMYK) or in black and white.