Fueling Student Success Logo

Fueling the future and success of North Texas, one campus at a time.

College Hunger By The Numbers

With an increasing number of non-traditional students, including parents who’ve returned to school, first-generation students and those who are working full-time while attending college, the need for food assistance is also growing, with at least 34 percent of college students across the U.S. reporting that they face hunger, according to an NCES study. Food insecurity can harm a student’s ability to reach their educational and professional goals. The North Texas Food Bank is working to close the hunger gap among students.

NTFB Service Area Impact


Campuses are being served with active college pantries


Meals served in fiscal year 2024.


Of college partners have utilized NTFB SNAP assistance for students

Does My College Have A Pantry?

Chris Profile 1

"Having those opportunities to get a snack or breakfast here, it just helps you to maintain focus. 'Ok, I don't have to worry about this one thing.' The North Texas Food Bank has been a great help with that."

-Chris, Veteran and Full-time Student

College Recipe Videos

College Recipe Videos Check out our collection of quick and easy microwave meals and study snacks! These video recipes put a fresh twist on your food by using ingredients that…

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Resources For Your Campus

Resources For Your Campus Find infographics and one-pagers that you can print and share around your college. These documents detail best practices to help raise awareness of your program, and…

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Please complete the form linked below to request more information about our nutrition education services.

식품 지원 받기

귀하가 받을 수 있는 혜택에 대한 귀중한 정보를 제공할 수 있는 사회 복지 지원 직원에게 문의하십시오.

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Mobile Distribution Schedule

NTFB의 모바일 식료품 저장실은 메트로플렉스를 가로질러 이동합니다! 여기에서 MP 일정을 확인하세요.

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식품 저장실 찾기

검색 가능한 지도를 사용하여 북부 텍사스 지역의 식품 저장실 또는 기타 리소스를 찾으십시오. 위치, 거리, 기관 이름 또는 지원 유형별로 결과를 필터링합니다.

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스냅 정보

SNAP(Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program)는 저소득 가정의 영양 요구 사항을 해결합니다.

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"As a college student mysself, I know how exhausting college life can be and I know food helps you stay motivated in class. Getting those snacks and groceries helps college students stay successful at school."

Mariana, Participant, Full-time Student

Mariana Profile Pic