NTFB SSA Team Receives Recognition at State Conference
The team took home several awards from the recent Feeding Texas Conference in Houston.

Congratulations to the Social Service Assistance team, which took home several awards and recognitions at the Feeding Texas Annual Conference in Houston this August! In the category for the largest Texas food banks, the NTFB won an award for Most Submitted Applications (Your Texas Benefits and paper applications)!
Other awards included:
–SSA Case Assistance Navigator Yael Benitez submitted the most applications by a Navigator.
-Senior SSA Referral Specialist Shane Schubert assisted the most neighbors through the Referral Partner Program (RPP).
-Senior SSA Case Assistance Navigator Hector Serrato had the highest number of clients recruited to the RPP by a Navigator.
–Senior Manager of SSA Erika Garcia 그리고 SSA Field Manager Leyda Valdez were recognized for their work helping execute the Feeding Texas Conference.

Both the SSA and the SNAP-Ed teams represented NTFB at the conference. While in Houston, the team took the opportunity to visit with our colleagues at the Houston Food Bank and toured their robust operations. The two food bank groups shared best practices and brainstormed opportunities to collaborate more in the future.
The SSA team does an amazing job assisting our community with access to SNAP, demonstrating our core values of compassion and collaboration! Congratulations to the entire team for its accomplishments.