Winter Recipe: Heart Healthy Eating
February is American Heart Month – a time to encourage healthy lifestyles to prevent heart disease. The North Texas Food Bank is committed to supporting heart-healthy living for our neighbors in various ways, including a dedicated 영양 서비스 team that offers recipes, programming and education to help the community make healthy eating choices.
Eating healthy is one of the best ways to take care of your heart health, and winter is a great time to stay home, stay warm and try out some new recipes. The recipe below for 사우스웨스트 퀴노아 샐러드 is not only delicious and filling, but it is comprised of ingredients important for a healthy and active heart!
This recipe contains two plant-based sources of protein, quinoa, a high protein whole grain, as well as black beans which together create a delicious meal that is low in saturated fats. Additionally, quinoa and black beans are an excellent source of fiber! The recipe includes different spices, as well as a simple olive oil-based lime vinaigrette to really pack in flavor without adding too much extra sodium. According to the American Heart Association, olive oil could help lower risk of heart disease.
We hope you enjoy the recipe!
사우스웨스트 퀴노아 샐러드
인분: 8
총 시간: 30분

- 올리브 오일 2작은술
- 다진 마늘 2쪽
- 얇게 썬 파 4개
- 물 1 3/4컵
- 다진 붉은 피망 1개
- 물기를 뺀 옥수수 통조림 1(15온스)
- 퀴노아 1컵, 헹구고 물기 제거
- 1(15온스) 통조림 검은콩, 헹구고 물기 제거
- 다진 신선한 고수 2큰술
- 얇게 썬 아보카도 1개(선택 사항)
라임 비네그레트:
- 라임 주스 3큰술
- 올리브 오일 2큰술
- 꿀 1큰술
- 고춧가루 1작은술
- 커민 1/2작은술
- 소금과 후추 맛
Full nutrition information can be found 여기 and all NTFB nutritious recipes can be found 여기.
영양 서비스는 푸드 뱅크의 전략적 계획에서 중요한 요소입니다. 오늘을 위한 음식과 내일을 위한 희망, 우리는 1996년부터 저소득층에게 무료 요리 및 영양 교육을 제공하고 있습니다. 교육 서비스.
또한 정원 및 영양 뉴스레터를 구독하십시오. 스페이드와 스푼, 영양 서비스 팀의 모든 최신 뉴스를 확인하세요. 여기에서 구독.
Finally, join the North Texas Food Bank on Saturday, Feb. 19 for a garden workshop as we learn about common vegetable garden pests and diseases, as well as organic ways to prevent them through using Integrated Pest Management (IPM). Click 여기 to sign-up and learn more!
Ashton Hinckley is a Nutrition Services Coordinator for the North Texas Food Bank.