CANstruction 2022 Honors Literary Favorites

CANstruction, an annual design and build event of giant canned food structures – “cansculptures” – benefiting the North Texas Food Bank is on display now at NorthPark Center.

The annual competition brings together the design, engineering and construction industries to build sculptures that in past years have included canned video game characters, superheroes, iconic landmarks from across the globe, and even Dirk Nowitzki. The sculptures are then on display for the public at NorthPark Center.

Now in its 30th year, CANstruction Dallas has provided millions of canned food items for the NTFB that are then distributed to our neighbors experiencing hunger through our direct feeding programs and our feeding network of more than 400 food pantries and other community organizations. These food resources are especially important now as our region sees elevated hunger needs that exceed levels at the height of the pandemic due to soaring inflation. Household budgets are stretched thin, forcing many families to choose between food and other necessities.

Last year’s video game themed CANstruction raised over $40,000 and nearly 90,000 pounds of canned goods. The canned manifestations of beloved video game characters such as Donkey Kong, Pac-Man, Mario and many more can be viewed at

Nineteen organizations are participating in this year’s event where canstructures will represent the theme, Writing to End Hunger. We invite you to check out a “sneak peek” of some of this year’s sculptures below from Build Day. To see the complete constructions, visit NorthPark Center now through Sept. 11.

올 한해도 캔스트럭션을 지원해 주신 모든 기업과 단체에 감사드립니다. 북부 텍사스의 기아 퇴치를 위해 창의력과 연민을 가져 주셔서 감사합니다!

Thank you to the following companies for their participation:

Benchmark Group

BGE, Inc.

Brown Reynolds Watford Architects, Inc.

Cobb, Fendley & Associates, Inc.

DLR Group | Turner Construction

E4H Architecture

Freese and Nichols



HDR Inc.

Henderson Engineers | BRR Architects | Ridgemont Construction


JHP Architecture/Urban Design | RLG Consulting Engineers

L.A. Fuess Partners

LEO A DALY | The Router Room

O’Brien Architects | Kimley-Horn


Stantec Consulting Services


좋아하는 캔 구조에 투표하려면 다음을 방문하십시오. $1=1 vote and enters you into a raffle to win a La Scuola cooking class for two!

Collage of structures made of canned foods on orange background
