Thank you, Volunteer Kernel Corinne Donica
The avid North Texas Food Bank volunteer has given over 600 hours during 3-plus years.

Corinne Donica dreams of a world where no one faces hunger. Until then, she’s going to do what she can to fight hunger by volunteering at the North Texas Food Bank.
“In this great country of ours, I cannot believe that there are this many people who are hungry and food insecure,” she says, referring to the 1 in 7 North Texans who experience hunger. “So, I thought that’s where I’m going to volunteer, and I’ve been loving it ever since.”
Corinne first signed up for a shift at the NTFB’s Perot Family Campus following retirement more than three years ago. She spent her early career as a nurse, and after staying home with her children for a time, worked in accounting for a property management company. With more free time on her hand, Corinne knew she wanted to make an impact.
After that first shift, Corinne quickly became a Volunteer Kernel, which is a volunteer who regularly gives their time at NTFB and leads other volunteers as they sort and pack food.
“I’m hoping that with me being here and helping the North Texas Food Bank, although it may be a small cog in the wheel, hopefully I can make some sort of difference,” she says. “Because I would love to have a day where there is no hunger in the world.”
NTFB’s Volunteer Experience Team says they’re grateful for Corinne’s impact. Since October 2021, she has given 613 hours.
“Corinne is always the first to raise her hand for all opportunities! She brings positive energy and a smile every time she comes to NTFB. Corinne is an incredible ambassador for our neighbors in North Texas,” they say.
For Corinne, the issue of food insecurity is also personal. She is a first-generation American whose parents immigrated from the Netherlands.
“My parents grew up during World War II and I know the issues they faced,” she says. “My dad had to go and hunt for food and had to steal food at times.”
In the U.S., Corinne says her mom taught her the importance of giving back and by volunteering at NTFB, as well as getting involved in the community in other ways, she’s honoring her roots.
“I’m proud of my heritage,” she says.
To learn more about how you can get involved as a volunteer, यहां क्लिक करें.