LIFE Council

As engaged ambassadors, we will leverage our resources, leadership, and influence to close the hunger gap in North Texas.
To invest time, make introductions, give ideas and provide market intelligence, capable of helping NTFB raise awareness and funds. LIFE Council membership is by invitation only.
Larry Lavine, Turtle Creek Restaurants
Teresa Phillips, Strategic Equipment & Supply Corporation
Founding Co-Chairs
Ray Hemmig, Retail & Restaurant Growth Capital, LP
Liz Minyard-Lokey, North Texas Food Bank Co-Founder
Barbara Buzzell, The Buzzell Company
Christina Durovich, community volunteer
Tom Black, Black, Mann & Graham, LLP
Jeanne Clark, community volunteer
Janet Cobb, Cobb Companies
Patrick Esquerre, SUDDENLY GOURMET
Ambassador Kathryn Hall, Hall Wines
Tommy Huffhines, Huff 1 Enterprises
Jim Jordan, Munch Hardt Kopf & Harr, P.C
Wan Kim, Smoothie King
Lucian LaBarba, Ben E. Keith
Paula Lambert, Mozzarella Company
Jay Pack, The Pack Group
Maria Martineau, Medical City Healthcare
Stephan Pyles, Stephan Pyles Concepts
Frank Roby, Arthur J. Gallagher & Co.
Steve Schenkel, Hill Country Dairy
Jon Wolkenstein, Grant Thornton