Fundable Opportunities
Building a Hunger-Free, Healthy North Texas
Far too many neighbors in our community do not know where they will find their next meal. Hunger exists in all zip codes and impacts a person's ability to work, learn and thrive. The North Texas Food Bank is comitted to closing the hunger gap in North Texas and helping our neighbors build brighter tomorrows. Your partnership is key to creating lasting change in North Texas. Here is how you can join the fight against hunger.

$50,000 -$250,000
Delivering Hope

The North Texas Food Bank provides 375,000 meals each day for children, seniors and families facing hunger through a network of nearly 500 food pantries and other community organizations. One of the most critical roles of our logistics operation is efficiently distributing millions of pounds of fresh produce and other nutritious food throughout our 10,000-square-mile service area. It takes a fleet of 8 box trucks and 11 semi-trailers handled by a full-time staff of 14 drivers to move the food across the 12 counties we serve.
Partner Agency Summit

The Partner Agency Sumit brings together key partners from the Food Bank's Feeding Network for a day of learning, sharing and inspiration. Through specially designed workshops and networking sessions, the summit is an opportunity for the partners to learn new tools to enhance their critical work and celebrate the collective impact of the NTFB Feeding Network. Approximately 200 people attended the summit in 2024.
Kids Camp

Kids Camp is a weekly one-day camp during the summer at the Food Bank's Perot Family Campus for children ages 8-11. The camp will empower young people to understand and fight hunger in their neighborhoods. Kids Camp will provide a behind-the-scenes look at the North Texas Food Bank and include activities related to hunger, gardening and nutrition, as well as a tailored volunteer opportunity.
Hispanic Heritage Month

To commemorate Hispanic Heritage Month, which runs from September 15 to October 15, the North Texas Food Bank Social Services Assistance team hosts a community event that includes arts and crafts, a kid zone play area, face painting and other activities supporting the Hispanic/Latinx culture. Vendors are on site to share information about community resources and participants can enjoy free food and gift card door prizes.
Back to School

Even with free and reduced-price school meal programs, children often face hunger when meals are not available on ights and weekends. the North Texas Food Bank addresses this need through its two main Child Programs - Food 4 Kids and School Pantry. When requested, we support back to school events with either School Pantry (up to 144 boxes and kitted produce) or Food 4 Kids (at least half a pallet) products. *This is not a guranteed opportunity and depends on the number of requests and NTFB staffing capacity.
Golden Fork Awards

A celebration to honor the dedicated service of hunger fighters in North Texas. This awards event is our opportunity to express our appreciation for the volunteers, corporations, foundations and community partners who have made such an impact on hunger-relief fforts in North Texas through their generosity of time, resources and compassion.
Day of Service

The North Texas Food Bank offers private Pack and Box volunteer experiences for groups of up to 100 people. Volunteers participate in an assembly line to package food that is distributed through the Food Bank's Feeding Network. Groups are welcome to provide snacks and drinks for volunteers, provide a custom Spotify playlist, have a photographer/videographer present during the experience, and have a short speaking program before or after the shift. Dates and times vary depending on availability
Interested in Fundable Opportunities?
Fundable opportunities are a great way to join the fight against hunger! Contact us at for more information on fundable opportunties!