NTFB Community Garden Network

Partner Gardens Map

Jan's Garden

Jan Pruitt, our former President and CEO, led the North Texas Food Bank for 19 years and continues to be an inspiration for what we do each day. To donate in honor of Jan Pruitt, your generous gift will support the North Texas Food Bank and the neighbors we serve in our community.

In 2018, in conjunction with the grand opening of the Perot Family Campus, NTFB also broke ground on a sustainable, small-scale learning garden in honor of our late President and CEO, Jan Pruitt. Access to fresh produce is critical to the success of the North Texas Food Bank and to the health of the neighbors we serve.

NTFB is excited to operate a learning and demonstration garden that acts as a living and breathing display of nutritious food options. Jan's Garden offers tours and programming for all local community groups who desire to learn first-hand about the impact that healthful food choices can make.

Partner Gardens

NTFB partners with community gardens to grow and connect fresh produce to those in need. Partner Gardens donate anywhere from 10 percent to 100 percent of their yield to a local Partner Agency, while NTFB provides support and visibility to help our partner gardens thrive. On average, our Partner Gardens donate between 20,000-40,000 pounds of garden-fresh produce to our partner agency network each year.

Bruce Miller Nursery

1000 E Belt Line Rd, Richardson, TX 75081
+1 972-238-0204


Garden Coordinator: Emily Owens
Email: Emily@brucemillernursery.com 
Cell Phone # 972-238-2004