Thank you to NTFB’s Top 100 Volunteers
The dedicated group gave more than 20,000 hours in 2024.

The 100 most involved volunteers at the North Texas Food Bank together gave 20,608 hours during 2024, which equates to a value of nearly $310,000.
“We are very grateful for each and every hour that our volunteers donated to the North Texas Food Bank in 2024,” says Elizabeth Campo and Riley Mainord, NTFB volunteer specialists. “Our mission to close the hunger gap in North Texas would not be possible without their commitment!”
Volunteers donated time during pack and box shifts on NTFB’s production floor, at senior food box distributions, by receiving gifts at the H-E-B Canned Food Drop-Off, working in Jan’s Garden, collecting cans at the State Fair of Texas and more.
Two of those volunteers, Mike Saxton and Elaine Simmons, say volunteering regularly at NTFB during retirement is a fulfilling experience. After initially retiring, Elaine says she rested for about six months and baked nearly every recipe in her cookbooks, but knew she wanted to do more. She remembered NTFB staff and volunteers who served during the pandemic and registered for her first shift. In 2024, she gave over 130 hours.
“I decided that I wanted to give back with the company that did and continues to do much for people,” she says.
Mike, who volunteered 75 hours in 2024, adds that he enjoys the variety of duties at NTFB’s Perot Family Campus and that he’s always impressed at how many others give back each week.
“I am constantly amazed at the number of volunteers that show up; old and young, corporate teams and individuals, first timers and regulars—truly a representative patchwork of the community to which we belong. It’s a tribute to the number of big hearts willing to extend a hand to our fellow North Texans in need,” he says. “At each shift, when Elizabeth or Riley give the welcoming speech and share the numbers of those in need in North Texas, I am reminded how fortunate I am. I am humbled to be in a position to help out.”
In 2024, NTFB provided access to 128 million meals. That was only possible thanks to the support of our community and the dedication of our committed volunteers.
Thank you to all of the Top 100 volunteers:
Kathy Alexander
Alan Anselman
Donald Ashley Jr.
David Baccam
Richard Bach
Alex Benson
Charles Berteau
Karen Berteau
Robert Blum
Dale Boisso
Andrew Boisson
Emily Boisson
John Brown
Melanie Brown
Cassie Bunts
Ann Caddell
Bruce Chao
Justin Chang
Amanda Charniak
Max Chesser
Matthew Chong
Brandon Cobb
Myriam Concepcion Lopez Rubalcava
Corinne Donica
Brian Dietrich
Donald Evans
Patti Fehr
Todd Fischer
Huong Gilmer
Jane Gray
Thomas Hanes
Cindy Harris
Steven Harris
Jim Harrison
Debra Henderson
Richard Henderson
John Hermanson
Darlene Hess
Stefani Higdon
Jean Higgins
Mike Higgins
Theodore Hillberg
Janet Hoppe
Catherine Humphrey
Aru Jaiswal
Avi Jaiswal
Kuhu Jaiswal
Himadeep Nagasai Batchu
Rithik Nagasai Batchu
Kathy Ju
Tefrei Kassa
Faiha Khurram
Dan Krska
Karthick Senthil Kumar
Andrew Lam
Nancy Levenson
Qi Long
Linda Lorch
Dan Makoske
David Malone
Larry Marek
Steve Martin
Ronald Maxon
Susan Maxon
Devan Mehta
Jill Mendenhall
Viraja Metta
Grant Murphy
Himadeep Nagasai Batchu
Shini Natarajan Sudharmini
Sharon O’Boyle
Mark Orland
Anne Patterson
Osita Perry
Kyle Prince
Rich Rosselet
Denis Rottler
Nayla Saouaf
Mike Saxton
Rod Scales
Don Schoel
Jennifer Scott
William Sexton
Elaine Simmons
Erin Song
Kenn Stokes
Derian Svec
Rodney Tanamachi
Mark Tibbets
Tamra Torres
Howard Townsend
Lauren Voit
Robert Wagner
Karl Wallinger
Laurel Way
Phyllis Webb
Scott Webb
Catherine Weidenfeller
Robert Weidenfeller
Ashley Wilkerson
Naomi Woodard
Alvin Yam
Claire Yam