A Day of Giving and Unity
The support we’ve received during this uncertain time, shows that kindness is stronger than this pandemic. As a partner and friend of the North Texas Food Bank, we thank you for being there with us every step of the way. Because of you, we’re able to provide critical meals to those in need.
Today, I’m inviting you to come together for a giving event that will make an incredible impact for our North Texas neighbors.
In collaboration with the #GivingTuesdayNow campaign, the international call for unity and giving, Communities Foundation of Texas is hosting an emergency response day of giving, North Texas Giving Tuesday Now, on May 5.

Our food distribution at the North Texas Food Bank has only continued to increase as those in need turn to us for help in record numbers. Some even for the first time. The need is greater than ever, and this is the perfect time to give.
For #NTXGivingTuesdayNow, our friend Ezekiel Elliott of the Dallas Cowboys will DOUBLE your gift to the North Texas Food Bank – up to $70,000. But you don’t have to wait to make a difference. Early giving has begun, and your gift today will provide much-needed meals for our children, seniors and families in our community. The 18-hour online giving event will take place from 6 a.m. to midnight on Tuesday, May 5. If you have already made your #NTXGivingTuesdayNow gift, thank you!

How you can get involved:
• Make a generous donation directly to NTFB at ntfb.org/givingday
• Create a fundraising page for NTFB and share with your supporters at ntfb.org/givingday
• Share our #NTXGivingTuesdayNow social media posts from our channels to spread the word (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn)
• Want to get kids involved (or even adults too)? Download the coloring page here, then take a photo of it and share on social media with the hashtags #NTXGivingTuesdayNowKids and #NTFB so we can see these works of art
Your partnership ensures our neighbors will be able to put healthy meals on the table for their families. We’re grateful for your support, which allows us to continue to be there for everyone who needs us.
Thank you!
Lexi Kay
Annual Campaign Manager