Empty Bowls Event Recap

The North Texas Food Bank continues to innovate and reimagine its signature events in the time of COVID, prioritizing the safety and health of our supporters, while still providing a meaningful experience.

On Feb. 25, The 22nd Annual Empty Bowls presented by Kroger transitioned from an indoor sampling of restaurants and live entertainment to a drive-through event where guests could pick up an event box containing a bowl, soup mix and recipe cards from some of our favorite past Empty Bowl participants and NTFB staff members.

While the sold-out event looked different, the centerpiece of Empty Bowls – beautifully handcrafted bowls from local artists, potters and woodturners – remained. These bowls represent the empty dishes on dinner tables that will be filled with nutritious food thanks to the supporters of the event. The funds raised from this year’s drive-thru event and online auction will provide more than 380,000 meals to children, seniors and families experiencing hunger across North Texas.

Last spring, our annual Taste of the Cowboys event was turned into a virtual opportunity to thank the community for their outpouring of support at the onset of the pandemic. Since then, we have launched new events including our OutRun Hunger Virtual 5K and a drive-in movie event, Movies on Mapleshade, during the holiday season.

We miss being able to interact with our guests at in-person events, but we are deeply thankful for the ongoing support and participation that have helped make our new initiatives so successful during these uncertain times. Thank you for your partnership in fighting hunger in North Texas!

A special thank you to our sponsors:

Caryn Berardi is a Communications Specialist for the North Texas Food Bank.
