Celebrate Love with the North Texas Food Bank

This year, on Valentine’s Day, consider celebrating love with a gift or experience that will brighten a hungry neighbor’s day.

Far too many of our North Texas neighbors do not know where they will find their next healthy meal. Or must choose between putting food on the table and paying bills. Hunger does not discriminate, it affects all races, ethnicities and ages, and today, one in six of our neighbors are food insecure, one in four is a child and one in six is a veteran. At the Food Bank, our love for our community, for our neighbors and for helping those in need, is the foundation of our mission: closing the hunger gap in North Texas.

Help us share this love and consider an alternative date night, and join us for a volunteer shift in our distribution center. The experience of volunteering to help hungry neighbors is a generous act of service – the gift of your time empowers our critical work and demonstrates love in action.

Or make a gift or donation of food on behalf of someone you love. Your gifts help us put healthy food on the table, nourishing both the body and the heart of a hungry neighbor.

On Valentine’s Day, and every day, please help us share love to our hungry neighbors through access to healthy foods and hope for the future.

Happy Valentine’s Day from Your Friends at the North Texas Food Bank!
