Build a Future Where No One is Hungry this National Estate Planning Awareness Week
Consider supporting the North Texas Food Bank through your planned giving.

You can help ensure your neighbors have access to nutritious meals for years to come by including the North Texas Food Bank in your will, living trust or other planned giving tools.
If a will or living trust is not part of your current financial plan, you’re not alone. According to a survey by, more than half of U.S. adults do not have a will, leaving the future of their assets unknown.
To raise awareness of the importance of such planning, the House of Representatives in 2008 declared this week, October 21-27, National Estate Planning Awareness Week.
If you are just beginning to plan, the NTFB has partnered with FreeWill, a no-cost online tool that will guide you through the process of creating a will.
After going through the pandemic and now record inflation, the NTFB knows the importance of not only meeting the needs of today but also planning for those of the future, which is why we are so appreciative of those who make the ultimate commitment of including the NTFB in their legacy giving.
Says Barbara Buzzell, an NTFB Life Council member, “The North Texas Food Bank has always been the main focus of my charitable activities. From serving on the Board of Directors, continuing as a member of the Life Council to including NTFB in my will, I know how very effective this organization can be.”
The NTFB has also established a Full Plate Society, which welcomes those who have included the NTFB in their planned giving. Full Plate Society members are invited to special events and are also recognized on NTFB’s website. Last fiscal year, Full Plate Society members received a behind-the-scenes look at how some of our partners serve their neighbors during a bus tour that included stops at three agency partner pantries. Learn more about how to get involved here.
According to the National Association of Estate Planners & Councils, estate planning is the growth, conservation or transfer of wealth through the creation of a plan that will ensure financial security during one’s life as well as mapping out the transfer of assets upon a person’s death.