Bioworld Pledges 1.5 Million Meals to Help North Texas Food Bank Fight Hunger

The $500,000 gift from The Bioworld Foundation will allow the NTFB to distribute meals over the next five years to North Texas neighbors facing hunger.

The North Texas Food Bank announced this summer that The Bioworld Foundation has committed to providing 1.5 million meals to its neighbors over the next five years.

The $500,000 pledge includes an NTFB truck sponsorship and will ensure that the NTFB can provide children, families and older adults facing hunger with access to 300,000 meals each year for the next five years.

Raj Malik, founder and CEO of Bioworld, says the company has long believed in supporting its community, especially through work that impacts youth.

“Bioworld has always believed in giving back to local communities. Our outreach focuses on helping students and young people; hunger relief is a key component of that mission,” he says.

Bioworld’s leadership resonates with NTFB’s Nourish the Future programs, which aim to combat child hunger. Notably, the School Pantry program supplies non-perishable items and fresh produce to 40 sites across North Texas, while the Food 4 Kids backpack program ensures that up to 11,000 chronically hungry children have meals to take home every weekend. In the 2023 fiscal year alone, NTFB provided over 50.2 million meals to children in need.

NTFB President and CEO Trisha Cunningham says it is only because of the support of the community and critical partners like Bioworld and Bioworld Foundation that NTFB is able to provide those meals to families.

“We can only serve the nearly 778,000 individuals in need within our 13-county area thanks to partners like Bioworld,” she says. “We are deeply grateful for The Bioworld Foundation’s commitment to creating brighter futures for our region’s children, seniors, and families. This support comes at a critical time, as Texas ranks No. 1 in the nation for hunger, with nearly 5 million people experiencing food insecurity.”

In addition to supporting the NTFB with funds, Bioworld gives of its time each quarter. Since 2022, the company’s employees have donated 430 hours packing and boxing food at NTFB’s Perot Family Campus.

Malik encourages all employees to volunteer and gives them the time to do so during work hours. Ilong with regularly supporting North Texans through NTFB, its staff throughout the country also give back in their own communities.

“We believe that fostering a culture of community engagement enhances internal and external connections,” Malik explained. “This initiative promotes personal development and cultivates a positive environment throughout our organization.”
