Closing the hunger gap in North Texas by providing access to nutritious food
1 in 7
664,000 North Texans are food insecure
106 million
Nutritious physical meals provided in 2024
square miles covered in our 12-county service area
Nutrition Services
NTFB’s Nutrition Services team provides access to healthy food while educating people in our community about eating nutritiously on a budget.
Child Hunger Programs
1 in every 5 kids in North Texas is food insecure. That's why NTFB seeks innovative and effective solutions to feed hungry children in our community.
Senior Programs
Ensuring that seniors have access to nutritious foods that meet their health needs.
Garden Programs
We offer tours, workshops, volunteer opportunities and more at Jan's Garden and our Partner Gardens.

We Need Your Help
The need for food assistance continues to grow and we need your help to feed more people.